Community Site for “Masses Media” Launched

Local podcaster and obsessive online community builder Ryan Ozawa today launched, which aims to explore podcasting, blogging, and vlogging (or videoblogging) as powerful forms of individual expression and interaction. The three forms of “masses media” (in contrast to mass media) — text, audio, and video — are covered in three ways: a message board, a wiki (a collectively edited resource), and a news blog.

Podcasters and podcast enthusiasts are encouraged to start conversations in the podcasting forum, or to add their own brand of expertise to the podcasting wiki.

Read the press release here.

Town Square, Upcoming Events

Hawaii Public Radio has uploaded the MP3 audio file of the March 24 “Town Square” talk show focusing on podcasting. You can grab it here — but be forewarned, it’s a 55MB MP3. Remember, you can subscribe to catch all “Town Square” shows as they’re posted online via Larry Geller’s fan blog.

Don’t forget! Monday, March 28 brings “Podcasting: Applications for Business,” a free lunch-hour seminar at the UH Downtown Campus (900 Fort Street, Lower Level). Learn about podcasting, and hear five ways that podcasting can be useful to business and government organizations. An actual podcast will be created during the seminar!

Then, on Thursday, April 7, HAP cofounder Bob Lew will present “Podcasting: Talking to the World or Anyone Who Will Listen.” It will also be a lunchtime brown-bag presentation, also at the UH Downtown Campus.

Clear Channel To Embrace Podcasting

Clear Channel To Embrace Podcasting
Paul Heine, Billboard Radio Monitor, March 25, 2005:

Clear Channel plans to take first steps toward extending its radio brands through podcasting, as part of a new coherent Internet strategy set to unfold over the next several months at radio’s largest operator… Clear Channel plans to make five-minute, ad-supported segments available for download from station sites. Morning show vignettes, content from air talent and bits like top 40 WHTZ New York’s “Z100 Phonetap” are among the offerings the company plans to make available as downloads.

Podcasting puts you in charge of the show

Podcasting puts you in charge of the show
D. Parvaz, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 25, 2005:

What kind of stuff is out there and what can you create? An oral blog — it’s your life, in sound files, baby… Podcasting ain’t for everyone. You may find yourself drowning in the sea of voices out there. You can’t hear everything that’s popped online, no more than you can read every newspaper. Like anything else online, Beslanwitch said the “ego factor” is at play. In other words, even people with nothing to say probably will try their hands at podcasting.

Local stations are tuning into podcasting

Radio Beat: Local stations are tuning into podcasting
Bill Virgin, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Thursday, March 24, 2005:

Much of the ink on podcasting has been devoted to the technology as a challenge to traditional radio, as independent programmers put together their own shows that anyone can download. But traditional broadcasters are also seizing on podcasts as one more way to reach audiences, including those not currently tuned in.

John Edwards Posts First ‘Podcast’

John Edwards Posts First ‘Podcast’
Kim Rubey, One America Committee/U.S. Newswire, March 23, 2005:

In the podcast, Sen. Edwards was joined by his wife, Elizabeth, and they talked about their work in the fight against poverty and also answered questions that had been submitted to his blog and via email. The topics they discussed ranged from possible FEC proposals to regulate blogging to drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge to how to increase the youth vote… “Podcasting is an amazing new medium that has given a voice — literally — to people all across America. That is why I am inviting people everywhere to visit my website, listen to this podcast, and subscribe to future podcasts.”

Bloggers, Meet the Pod People

Bloggers, Meet the Pod People,
Leslie Walker, The Washington Post, March 9, 2005:

Topics range as widely as human conversation — political rants, religious sermons dubbed Godcasts, musical mixes, kitchen gossip and barroom chatter called beercasts. A few big corporations have experimented with podcasts, including one General Motors recorded at a Chicago auto show. While home recordings are attracting the most publicity, commercial broadcasters are making over-the-air shows available, too, adding fuel to the larger trend of time-shifting radio.

Podcasting and Hawaiian Music

A most thoughtful and educational discussion has been unfolding on our mailing list concerning the possibilities and practicalities of including music from Hawaiian artists in podcasts. Drawing in part from that coversation, and drawing in large part from his deep, inside familiarity and understanding of both technology and the local music scene, Keola Donaghy has drafted a “things to think about” paper, “Podcasting and Hawaiian Music.”

The article includes points that both podcasters and musicians should consider, as well as open questions that have yet to be answered in this new area. Required reading, even in its earliest form. Thanks, Keola!

Podcasting in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin

Podcasting: Individual audio programming becomes the latest internet craze, putting broadcasting ability in the hands of the many
Jason Genegabus, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Monday, March 7, 2005:

TRADITIONAL radio stations aren’t in trouble just yet, but the advent of personal broadcasting via the Internet is changing the way we listen to content, just as TiVo changed the way we watch television. It’s called podcasting, a term coined by British journalist Ben Hammersley a little more than a year ago… Maui resident Sunny Hills is one of the few islanders to have already made the jump into podcasting. Other notable local podcasts include‘s Todd Cochrane,‘s Scott Waters and the Kailua boyfriend/girlfriend duo of Roxanne Darling and Shane Robinson.