We’re still developing our own, home-grown, local-style guide to getting started in podcasting, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait. Be sure to check out the following resources:
- How to Start a Podcast – Pat’s Complete Step-By-Step Podcasting Tutorial This tutorial was published in 2012. However, it has been updated over time. Today, it is still considered one of the top free tutorials on the web to help you get your podcast setup.
- 4 Ways to Start Your Own Podcast You can get your podcast online in just 5-10 minutes! All you need is yourself, some recording equipment, internet access, and an interesting topic to talk about!
- How to Create Your Own Podcast A step-by-step tutorial by Corey Deitz of About.com’s Radio guide.
- How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) A Mac-oriented piece from Engadget.
Of course, if you still have questions or need some advice, the best way to start would be to join the Hawaii Association of Podcasters group on Facebook, where people are passionate about making media and more than happy to help.