Watch this space for an exciting announcement from podcasters Shane Robinson and Roxanne Darling regarding a new website and an upcoming podcasting seminar. In the mean time, note that podcasting fan Bob Lew will be giving two presentations as part of the “Living Digital Brown-Bag Lunchtime Series” at UH Downtown:
- Thursday, March 3 (noon to 1 p.m.):
Podcatching: Listen Up – Voices Speak to Me from My Ipod (Or Any Digital Audio Media Player)
“For anyone who loves listening to the wide variety of internet audio programming, but can`t always listen to their favorite shows when they`re scheduled or take the time to download them manually, help has arrived. Your iPod can have a set of audio subscriptions that are refreshed frequently — free.” - Thursday, April 7 (12:30 to 1:30 p.m.):
Podcasting: Talking to the World or Anyone Who Will Listen
“Podcasters are the source for the `podcatchers.` It`s audio broadcasting for the 21st century and audio stardom for every man. Become a pilot instead of just a passenger. Begun in August 2003, there are over 300 podcaster sites and 1,000s of audio files. Maybe that 60GB iPod isn`t so capacious after all.”